Friday, 19 May 2023

Popilush Shapewear For A Gorgeous And Confident Look


All women are born beautiful, but not all women feel beautiful.  In fact, to look beautiful and fashionable, you don't need to spend a lot of money on treatments at beauty clinics and salons.

If you want to look amazing and attractive an easy step to take is to start paying attention to your fashion style. You don't have to wear expensive clothes or be up to date with the latest fashion trends, don't be a fashion victim. Just dress according to your body shape.

One way for you to feel comfortable with your body shape is to wear shapewear. Shapewear is a type of undergarment that has gained popularity in recent years. It is designed to provide a slimming and shaping effect on the body, helping people achieve a more streamlined appearance.

Shapewear it is typically made from stretchy and compressive material such as spandex, nylon or polyster. Shapewear can be worn underneath any type of clothing, but is particularly popular under form-fitting outfits such as dresses or pants.

Shapewear can also help to improve posture, as it provides support to the core muscles. In addition, shapewear can help to smooth out any bumps or bulges, creating a more polished and professional look.

Type Of Shapewear

There are many different types of shapewear, each designed to target specific areas of the body. Some of the most popular types of Shapewear include:

1. Bodysuits These are one: piece garments that cover the entire torso, from the shoulders to the thighs.

2. Waist Cinchers: These are designed to target the midsection, providing support and compression to the waist and stomach.

3. Thigh Slimmers: These are designed to target the thighs, smoothing out any bumps or bulges.

4.  Butt Enhsncers- These are designed to lift and shape  the buttocks, creating a more defined and toned appearance.

Popilush shapewear understands the needs of women to look attractive and confident. unlike traditional shapewear these body shaping dresses have replaced the need for separate innerwear and dresses. Dress with built in shapewear super comfortable dress is form fitting,  it’s also available in  maxi form.


"Popilush shapewear have become a top choice because they can do it all -  support your breasts, enhance the look of certain body parts, and lift your buttocks"

Find the Best Shapewear at

 Popilush shapewear is perfect for any style of dress according to your personality. For those of you with a classic style, you can try the slip maxi lounge dress for a classy and timeless look.

popilush shapewear
The slip mini lounge dress Popilush shapewear

 The Slip Mini Lounge Dress will be perfect if you want a chic dress. It is perfect for parties and dinner dates. Try the Long Sleeve Maxi Lounge Dress for a feminine look. This dress is comfortable and elegant.

Soft lounge dress so comfortable to wear, giving you greater confidence. This dress is multi use dress, only  need change jewelry and shoes, you ready go to cinema with your friends or romantic dinner with your patner. 


Popilush product

Don't worry about being difficult during bathroom breaks when using popilush shapewear. You only need to lift the dress, simply pull back and forth of the opened gusset when you sit down, adjust your shapewear and dress.

Available in various sizes and colors, and made of high quality materials  at affordable prices.  So, what are you waiting for,  try now Popilush Shapewear for a gorgeous and confident look.


  1. Every woman is beautiful. It is an attitude and achievement that make a woman looks beautiful. Especially when she has confidence.
    But, if she has a bad habit, beauty will fade...

    Gimana-gimana English saya? hihiii

  2. Asik ini tersedia pilihan ukuran juga. Jadinya bisa disesuaikan sama tubuh. Serta warna kesukaan juga.

  3. Pengen pakai shapewear tapi gak pede ... harus pake korset dulu .. korset yang bagus .. nyari korset dulu kali yaa :)

  4. huhuhu jadi pingin coba Popilush Shapewear juga. Tapi mungkin untuk inner ya? Karena gak pede dengan lemak yang bertonjolan

  5. Cool. I think this stuff can help those who want to be more confident. Thanks for the review Mbak Kairah.

  6. This is definitely convenient. In fact, we usually have problems whilst peeing with shape-wear. But this one, gonna be the best solution.

  7. The seat bodice is very nice...perfect for any home with a modern look.

  8. Popilush shapewear sangaat ngebantu biar body lebih singset ya mbak. Butuh pembiasaan nih. So far, baru tahu kalau ada popilush shapewear yang ternyata enggak ribet kalau mau ke kamar mandi

  9. Shapewear di Popilush banyak pilihan dan dapat menyesuaikan dengan ukuran tubuh.
    Pilihan warnanya juga beragam ya. Mantul.

  10. All women are born beautiful, but not all women feel beautiful, whereas your inner beauty will capture the heart.

  11. Being a beautiful women is a dream for all women. Some of them sometimes only pay attention to their face, and didn't pay attention to their fashion based on their need.

  12. Jujur aku sendiri nggak begitu tahu bentuk tubuhku jenis apa. Nah popilush shapewear ini bagus banget karena tersedia dalam beberapa ukuran sehingga teman-teman bisa ukur sendiri dan pilih yg pling sesuai

  13. waaaa asyik bgt kalo ukurannya beragam.
    jadi bs menyesuaikan dgn body tiap orang yakkk

  14. It's good to wear Popilush Shapewear, because can control body shaper adn hip enhancer back support thigh slimming belly black.

  15. Ini nih yang bikin penampilan sempurna dalam balutan baju pesta. Nah aku dulu suka mikir, kalo pengin ke belakang gimana tuh, susah nggak ya, ternyata gampang ya.

  16. Iya nih, namanya perempuan itu pasti cantik, tapi si perempuannya sendiri yang kadang merasa dirinya nggak cantik.
    Populish shapewear ini modelnya macem-macem ya, dan di desain bentuk maupun bahannya nyaman dipakai

  17. Duh, i think i need this! Pake populish shapewear bisa bgt nih ngatasi perut buncit ku abis lahiran tahun lalu

  18. Wah pas banget ini kak, saya habis lahiran kayaknya butuh banget Shapewear ini kelihatan nyaman juga dipakai makasih kak rekomendasinya 🙏🙏


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